JDBC configuration

Lyftron supports JDBC as a general data provider. Standard JDBC connection strings can be used to configure a connection to any data source that has a JDBC driver.

INFORMATION: Lyftron hosts Java Virtual Machine (JVM) internally and performs all the driver initialization for you, so no additional Java installation is required.

JDBC Industry Support

For a list of the companies that have endorsed the JDBC database access API and have built or are building JDBC-based products, please navigate to Oracle site http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index-136695.html.

JDBC prerequisites

Before JDBC can be used, all required drivers need to be configured in Lyftron. No JDBC drivers are distributed with Lyftron due to licensing restrictions, therefore it is an administrator's responsibility to download drivers needed and configure them in Lyftron.

How to configure a connection using JDBC

Out of the box Lyftron delivers a SQL Dialect for Hive over JDBC, but drivers need to be downloaded from the vendor site.

Here is a short list of JDBC drivers that may be of interest:

Data source name Vendor Download page
Hive Cloudera https://www.cloudera.com/downloads/connectors/hive/jdbc.html
Impala Cloudera https://www.cloudera.com/downloads/connectors/impala/jdbc.html

Step 1, download Hive drivers

Click a Hive JDBC link and download the latest drivers. Unpack them if necessary.

Step 2, Create a folder on Lyftron server and copy drivers

Access Lyftron server local drive using an UNC path or a Remote Desktop connection, and create a folder that will hold the drivers. Next, copy the downloaded drivers into the folder of your choosing.

INFORMATION: In this artice we assume the folder c:\programdata\lyftronjdbc.

Step 3, configure the driver folder and register it in Lyftron

Lyftron needs to know where to look for jdbc drivers during boot. To configure that folder please navigate to Administer -> Engine configuration and click Edit. Scroll down and enter the folder name into textbox labeled Built-in JVM classpath (csv). It holds the comma-separated list of folders that Lyftron will use to search and load the drivers it finds.

Because the classpath folder is scanned only during Lyftron service boot, it is necessary to restart Lyftron service.

Step 4, create a new connection using Hive dialect

Follow the instructions about how to create a connection to source database available at User manual/Define a new connection (JDBC).