
Lyftron allows defining an index on a View if the underlying engine supports indexes. Managing indexes in Lyftron is available through GUI and SQL statements like CREATE / DROP INDEX.

Indexes in Lyftron are virtual, which means they have no representation in the underlying data store until a view is cached.

See Caching and partitioning for more details.

Currently, Lyftron supports creating indexes on views in virtual databases backed by:

  • Microsoft SQL Server,
  • ADO.NET (depends on the database),
  • ODBC (depends on the database).

Managing indexes

The screen for managing indexes can be found by clicking Databases -> database name -> view name -> Indexes


(note: the underlying provider must have Lyftron support for indexes, e.g., MS SQL Server)

You can define a new index by clicking the Add index button:


Type in the name of the index and pick at least one column.

Check Unique and Clustered check-boxes if required.

More columns can be added using the Add column button.

Clicking Save will redirect you to the index list with the newly created index in preview mode:


From here you can go back to edit mode by clicking Edit or remove the index using Delete.