Managing the database

This chapter describes how to manage a virtual database.

In order to manage a virtual database, please go to the DATABASE section accessible directly from the sidebar. The screen with the existing virtual databases will show up. The lists of the databases are filtered by access rights you currently have.

When the list of existing databases is loaded, you can directly click on the table row to go to the details or you can use the search window. Typing the text into the search box immediately looks for any presence of the search phrase in the Name or Connection columns. The found phrase is marked yellow on matching elements.

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Database details

This screen enables to edit and delete the virtual database and manage dependent objects such as the schemas, the tables, and the views. Here we can also manage the access rights, the tasks, and the business terms.

Available actions:

  • EDIT - it goes to the editing database screen for the current database.
  • DELETE - it goes to the delete database screen.

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Edit database

This section allows to change several attributes for the virtual database:

Parameter Required Default value Description
Virtual database name Yes The virtual database name.
Source database name* Yes The source database name that is available under selected Connection.
Connection Yes The source database connection. You can select a different connection, but it has to be defined for the same provider and server dialect.
Provider type Yes The read-only provider type.
Comment No The comment for the virtual database.

*visible only when the Provider Type is SQL Server.

Available actions:

  • CANCEL - it abandons the changes and goes back to the database details.
  • SAVE - it saves the changes and then goes back to the database details.

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Delete database

This screen presents a short summary for the database that we want to delete. The following details as Virtual database name, Connection, Tables & views section and Schemas are presented. Available actions:

  • CANCEL - it permanently removes the current virtual database.
  • DELETE - it presents the confirmation window for choosing final cancel operation with OK and CANCEL options.

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Tables & views

Available Tables & views section actions:

Column name Description
Schema The schema in which current object is located.
Virtual table name Name of the virtual object.
Type Type of the virtual object. It can be either table or view.
Row count The number of the rows of the virtual table.
Cached If Cache mode was set and the table was cached then Yes is displayed. In other cases, nothing is displayed.
Cache mode Describes cache mode for the selected virtual table.

Import metadata

This section is the same as in the adding database wizard. Go to import metadata section for further information.

Generate views

In this section, we can conveniently generate many views from the selected tables in one operation. The created view is a select for all columns from the source table.

Database selection

In this section you select the source database, you wish to import the tables from. The Source Database is mandatory and you can select from any virtual database. You cannot proceed to the next screen until the selection is made.

Available actions:

  • CANCEL - it cancels the Generate views action and back to the database details section.
  • NEXT - it goes to the tables selection screen. It is disabled until the database is selected.

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Tables selection

Here you can define the source tables, their view's name, and the target schema. If the target schema does not exist, it will be created.

Available actions:

  • CANCEL - it cancels the Generate views action and goes back to the database details section.
  • IMPORT - it imports the selected tables as views. Then, it goes to the database details section.

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Add view

This action starts the wizard for adding a new view to the virtual database. This is described in the add view section.


Managing schemas is described in the schemas section.

Access rights

Please go to the administer access rights section for general information about access rights. Database access rights are listed below:

Access right Description
Alter Confers to the grantee the ability to alter a database, schema, table or view.
Alter database Confers to the grantee the ability to change database attributes.
Control Confers to the grantee the ability to view definition and control database access rights.
Control database Confers to the grantee the ability to view definition, alter, control schema and create schema access rights.
Create schema Confers to the grantee the ability to create a schema.
Create table Confers to the grantee the ability to create a table.
Create view Confers to the grantee the ability to create a view.
Delete Confers to the grantee the ability to delete the data.
Insert Confers to the grantee the ability to insert the data.
Select Confers to the grantee the ability to select the data.
Update Confers to the grantee the ability to update the data.
View definition Enables the grantee to access database metadata.

Management tasks

Please refer to the management tasks section.

Business terms

Please refer to the assign business terms section.